13 January 2014

Homemade Chicken Pie

Cooking is one of my favourite hobbies.

My style traditionally involves lots of glugs of olive oil, sprinkling of oregano and splashes of lemon, but as the newly acclaimed 'wifey' to a very British gent, I thought I'd give the humble British Pie a look in.

9 January 2014

Le Comptoir Libanais

I'm a foodie. A big time foodie.

I'm also Mediterranean which inevitably means I like to get stuck in to food and I'm not shy about getting my hands dirty.

Le Comptoir Libanais is the perfect place for this. 

7 January 2014

Saatchi Musings

Timing its efforts to match the post holiday blues of most people in this country, January has brought with it a bout of wet and miserable weather. 

I'm talking RAIN, RAIN and more RAIN.