27 February 2014

Voucher Codes Blogger Clothes Swap

This week I was invited to a blogger clothes swap hosted by Vouchercodes.co.uk.

Monday promptly arrived and I'm not sure whether I was more excited about the idea of new clothes or because of the fact that I was considered a 'blogger'...this is still quite new to me remember?

24 February 2014

Weekend in pictures

Howdy partners! 

Now I would wish you a Happy Monday but frankly I'm not very happy it's come around so quickly!

18 February 2014

Country Birthday Celebrations

After a long, wet and dreary week, Friday had finally arrived (Hurrah!) and I was ready to drop my corporate worries at the office door and have some fun. 

10 February 2014

Sticks 'n' Sushi

"What did Maki say to Nigiri?" "Wassap - b?"

There's a new Sushi joint in town and I'm excited to tell you about it. Let's Roll!! *see what i did there?*